Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Blue + Pink and Blue + White

Today, Raymond and I went to a metaphysical store to buy things for the solstice on Friday. I am going to go mulberry picking, have a picnic and then have a bonfire (if the weather is okay) on Friday to celebrate. I bought way too much incense but it was on SALE. I spent 6 more dollars than originally planed but now I have like 60 something incense sticks huhu~ At this store they have the incense sitting in jars so you can just reuse the same baggie to hold the incense in.

Lolita girl wearing a blue skirt, white blouse and pink accessories standing in a messy room in front of her mirror.
I tried something new with my coordinate. I'm really happy with the result. I kept everything on the floor because I felt it went with the aesthetic I'm going for (which is: looking terrible).

Lolita girl with big glasses, a white blouse and a pink old school headdress.
Also look at this selfie. I don't post selfies with my lolita coordinates ever because they feel so unrelated and also who wants to look at my face. But look at it anyway.

Top down view of the beginnings of a new scarf that is being crocheted and some yarn. In blue and white. The blue yarn is running out. The crochet hook is metallic. The crocheting stuff is sitting on the lolita girls lap. You can see the nice lace on her skirt.
Also also, I am crocheting a new scarf for the Knit-Wits group. I went with Brittany for the first time in years! ;o; Apparently, I'd already finished the scarf that I was working on before so I started this. I'm going to do blue and white stripes. I don't know if I have enough blue to finish the current line though... the suspense!

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