Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hats. Let's Get Some Hats.

I recently watched the original Mary Poppins film and was inspired by the hats that Jane has in the movie.
Three hats on a wooden floor. It is from a scene in Mary Poppins. There is a black hat and two straw hats. One straw hat has blue ribbon and flowers the other has a black ribbon.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Jane's hats?

I'm wondering why the majority of straw hats in lolita fashion are similar to boater hats and not rounded like the hat with the blue ribbon in the bottom right corner of the image above?

I don't really like mini hats. I used to like them a lot when I was younger. What happened?

Anyway, Jane's hats give me inspo to get myself some more hats. Ones that I am currently in love with:

A straw hat with white lace on a mannequin.
Charlotte Ribbon Straw Hat

A collage of two images of a beret. The first is a top down view showing the top of the beret, with blue ribbons, pink lace and pearls. The image on the right shoes the beret on a mannequin.
Rosy Ribbon Beret

In other news, Amino now has ads. I don't know if I'm going to be using it anymore... Probably, I need some time to get over the disappointment. I hardly ever use Tumblr now because of the ads though, so maybe I wont get over it. :(
If there was an option to pay some amount to have no ads, I would consider it. (This goes for Amino and Tumblr)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Blue + Pink and Blue + White

Today, Raymond and I went to a metaphysical store to buy things for the solstice on Friday. I am going to go mulberry picking, have a picnic and then have a bonfire (if the weather is okay) on Friday to celebrate. I bought way too much incense but it was on SALE. I spent 6 more dollars than originally planed but now I have like 60 something incense sticks huhu~ At this store they have the incense sitting in jars so you can just reuse the same baggie to hold the incense in.

Lolita girl wearing a blue skirt, white blouse and pink accessories standing in a messy room in front of her mirror.
I tried something new with my coordinate. I'm really happy with the result. I kept everything on the floor because I felt it went with the aesthetic I'm going for (which is: looking terrible).

Lolita girl with big glasses, a white blouse and a pink old school headdress.
Also look at this selfie. I don't post selfies with my lolita coordinates ever because they feel so unrelated and also who wants to look at my face. But look at it anyway.

Top down view of the beginnings of a new scarf that is being crocheted and some yarn. In blue and white. The blue yarn is running out. The crochet hook is metallic. The crocheting stuff is sitting on the lolita girls lap. You can see the nice lace on her skirt.
Also also, I am crocheting a new scarf for the Knit-Wits group. I went with Brittany for the first time in years! ;o; Apparently, I'd already finished the scarf that I was working on before so I started this. I'm going to do blue and white stripes. I don't know if I have enough blue to finish the current line though... the suspense!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Vegfest and Finally Finding a Sought After Item

We went to Vegfest on Sunday. My friend and I wore lolita. I decided on country lolita because I was feeling very summery.

A lolita girl (me) standing in a park in front of a windmill. Yellow dress from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, white socks, brown boots, a straw hat and holding a straw bag in one hand and a white parasol in the other.
I talked about this photo on my tumblr (which I post to infrequently). I find myself wearing these boots a lot, but they're not lolita. They're comfortable, they go okay with most coordinates that feature brown. I'm interested in anything to make lolita more wearable for me. I've thought about buying a pair of pink converse. THE TREACHERY! The store at the mall carries pink converse but for some reason they are the ONLY pastel converse they have that is made with leather.

Two lolita girls. The one of the left is gothic lolita wearing a dress called Nameless Poem. She is wearing black and white tights, black boots and a black beret. The girl on the right is wearing a yellow dress with brown boots, white socks, a straw hat and is holding a straw bag. They are standing in a park.
We are the cutest
At Vegfest we tried free samples, tried a vegan pepperette, got vegan donuts, petted some dogs and browsed art. We also bought a few groceries. I finally got to try the beyond meat sausage. Holy crap, it's so much like the real thing! ~spooky~

Also! I FINALLY found a strawberry parlour hat!! How long did I wait to find it...? The last listing for the hat on Lacemarket was in April 2018! So I've been waiting over a year. Excited I've finally found it.
Angelic Pretty Strawberry Parlour Hat. It is a boater hat with a pink ribbon around the and a pink bow. There is white lace along the brim and the pink ribbon. There are two crocheted strawberries attached to the bow.
This colourway <3
Source: Lolibrary
It's going to go with my Sheep Garden OP. More country lolita aesthetic huhu~

I was really very busy the last month. I got married, I graduated from university and I went on my honeymoon to Las Vegas. I will have more free time now. 

The Current State of the "Spare" Room

I keep referring to it as the "Spare" room. My husband corrects me that it is "My" room. In our previous two apartments,...