Friday, April 12, 2019

What to Do after University?

 Can I please just be a volunteer here?

Two goats laying cuddled together on wood chips. One is a light brown goat with floppy ears. The other is white and black.
Just look at these goats.
A brown chiken has been digging in the wood chips. There's another chicken behind her, but you cannot see its face.
And these chickens.

I know it's probably better to just donate money. They already have 15 volunteers. A good birthday gift to me would be to donate on my behalf. BTW I used snipping tool to get these images because they were on Instagram (is this bad to do? probably)
Here's their Instagram where the photos are from: @charlottesfreedomfarm
Go there and look at photos!

Also there is a Zero Waste Academy in Kamikatsu Japan! Apparently the town is a zero waste town. They're really strict about waste; they have a strict recycling policy. I remember seeing a video about a town where they wash dishes in this water where fish live, the fish eat the food waste and then the water from the fish goes into the rice paddies and it fertilizes the soil. I can't remember where it was though!

Also, someone a few streets away from me has a natural garden, they have a sign up: In the Zone. It's some kind of association, I do not know if it is still active though. If I ever own any land, I want to naturalize it.

I have received some packages in the mail but I'm waiting until after exams to open them huhu. I'll probably record it because I like rewatching myself opening things. I need to study.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Iconic (to Me) Prints and Other Things

I've been thinking about some prints that I really consider to be iconic in my personal journey in lolita fashion. They're probably some of the first prints I came upon when I first learned about the fashion.
Angelic Pretty Surgary Carnical JSK in sax. A carousel with ponies and marshmallows.
Sugary Carnival JSK in sax (2011 release)

One of the first that comes to mind is Sugary Carnival. I love the soft pastel colours. Lately, I've been wondering if I would ever want to own this dress. There have been some very cute coords that I've recently stumbled upon with it. Sugary Carnival first was released in 2009.

Angelic Pretty Milky Planet OP in yellow. A dessert themed world on a yellow background.
Milky Planet OP in yellow
Another iconic print is Milky Planet. It seemed like such a big deal when I first became aware of it. Milky Planet was released in 2010.

I looked at other prints released in the years that these two were released and somehow none of them inspire this iconic feeling I get when I think of these two dresses (not even Milky-Chan of the Fawn!). Maybe it's because of the popularity of replicas of these two dresses back then?

If there is anybody reading this, tell me what you consider to be iconic lolita prints!

In other news, my petti has sadly deflated. I now have to add my two Bodyline tutus underneath to get a decent shape in my skirt. I was considering buying another one, but first I am going to try to starch it. I read on a Livejournal post that you could place the petti on top of an umbrella and then spray it with starch spray.

I watched a video of a girl showing off her Polly Pocket collection today. It reminded me of a Polly Pocket set I had when I was little. I remembered it being some kind of mansion, no idea what the name was but was able to find it on Google. It was called Polly Pocket Light-Up Magical Mansion play set! It's actually available on eBay right now. I really wanted to buy it, but it's pretty expensive (full set is around 100 CAD x__x ). I wonder how much it cost when it was originally purchased...

It's exam season right now, but I hate studying for exams. You spend all this time studying and then you go there and do all the same things over again. It's boring. Plus, I think I have brain fog or something which makes it difficult to concentrate. Even writing this blog post is kind of difficult for me right now, but I really wanted to put some things onto here. After exams I have a big to do list ><' . I'm hoping before I move to film a video of my room. I want to have it so I can remember what it looks like. It's a regret I never did it was any of my rooms previously before moving or changing them up.

The Current State of the "Spare" Room

I keep referring to it as the "Spare" room. My husband corrects me that it is "My" room. In our previous two apartments,...